Terms & Explanation

A. Back to the main menu.
B. Listen to the original melody without any change.
1. accelrando
Getting gradually faster. Becoming more and more faster.
2. adagio
Very Slow and calm tempo. Faster than largo. Slower than andante.
3. Allegro
fast, cheerful
4. Andante
walking speed, moderately slow
5. Diminuendo..............................dim.
Becoming gradually softer
6. Legato
play or sing group of notes without seperate attacks, very smoothly
7. Largo
very slow, broad
8. Mode
The words meaning is "system". Modes are the ancient "keys" common in western music till the end of the Middle Ages, a time when European music became more and more based solely on the major and the minor, two of the ancient modes called Ionic and Aeolian
9. Major
The best known diatonic scale. Played in the white keys of any keyboard from c to the next c
10. Minor
A common scale played on the white keys of the keyboard from the note A to the next A (natural minor), and there are developments of this scale, the harmonic and melodic minor
11. Staccato
Short, measured notes, unattached to each other (opposite of legato)
12. Sequence
A motif repeated over and over in a different pitch
13. Forte..............................f
14. Piano..............................p
15. Presto
Very fast
16. Crescendo..............................cresc.
Gradually sing or play louder
17. Ritardando
Gradually play slower, gradually slow down

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