Indian & South Asian Musical


The most famous of the indian
musical instruments. It has one melodic string
and few monotonic
ones. It is a long-necked lute with a resonating body made from a large
gourd, seven metal strings stopped against movable arched frets, and a
series of sympathetic strings.
The distinctive pitch distortions
of sitar music are achieved by pulling and easing the strings over the
raised frets.


Bowed small sitar-like instrument.
Developed in North India
250 years ago based on the Middle
Eastern Rebab
and the Afghan
rubab .
Can either be plucked or played with a bow.


The most popular Indian
instrument. A set of 2 drums with leather
heads, and leather straps for tuning. The Tabla is made of wood and the
Dagga of metal.


One of the oldest Afghan
instruments, the rubab is a plucked lute with
a short neck and double chambers. The body is made of mulberry wood
and the membrane of goatskin. The rubab has three
main playing strings made of animal gut or string and about a dozen
drone and sympathetic metal strings. It is
played with a wooden plectrum. The rubab is the predecessor of the Indian
and is also very popular in Uzbekistan and
throughout North and West Pakistan.


The Chucick rubab is a plucked
lute with a short neck and many frets. The name means 'Small Rubab'.

MusixCool© By
Nadav Dafni