Tuning: C
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Part from Musician Angels (two portions of a triptych) (1485) hans Memling, Koninkijk Museum at Antwerpț

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Listen...The Harp
The harp is one of the most ancient musical instruments, whose roots go back as early as biblical times. Many paintings show King David playing the harp, and the bible mentions his playing again and again. Perhaps harps were the earliest stringed instruments of civilization, possibly even older than lyres. Even nowadays, it can be found in the folk music of many peoples in Africa, Asia and Europe. The number of strings grew (to a total of 47 strings on the modern harp), and along with those also grew the player's ability to produce sounds in a larger range and in diverse keys; in the past the player could only produce one scale, and if he wished to play a sharp or a flat note, he had to press the string in a way that was inaccurate and that made playing difficult. These improvements, that came thanks to the pedal mechanism invented by Sébastien Érard, made the harp, since the time of Beethoven, a permanent member in the symphonic orchestra.
Harp parts in the orchestra are, usually, accompaniment roles, and except for Mozart (who wrote the Concerto for flute and harp in C), almost no solo parts were written for the harp. However, composers of the impressionist school, like Debussy (Arabesque No. 1) and Ravel, made extensive use of its gentle, almost-floating sounds, in order to emphasize the "colors" that are so central in impressionism. Ravel wrote his introduction and allegro for a harp, and Debussy composed a sonata for flute, viola and harp.

King David is playing the Harp - from an English book (12th century)
King David is playing the Harp
The Ghent Altarpiece: Angels Playing Music (1426-27) Jan van Eyck, Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent
Angels are Playing Music






"Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God." (Psalms, psalm 147:7)

Part from Musician Angels (two portions of a triptych) (1485) hans Memling, Koninkijk Museum at Antwerpþ
King David is playing the Harp (12th century) from an English book
The Ghent Altarpiece: Angels Playing Music (1426-27) Jan van Eyck, Cathedral of St Bavo, Ghent


MusixCool© By Nadav Dafni