Welcome 2 the
MusixCool Tours
In our guided tours you will have the opportunity to discover, create and study about music - just like in an organized tour. Station after station - you will be able to browse in MusixCools' activities and information and to study, create and have fun with music.
1. Canon Tour
2. Journey To Notation
3. An Hour with Bach
4. Deep into the Piano
5. Sound Quest
6. Return to Middle Ages
7. Matter of Style
8. Over the Rondo
9. Night @ the Opera
10. Around the World
11. A Song is Born
12. Follow the Violin
13. Musical Cinema
14. The Next Number
15. Keep the Beat
16. Sound n' Dance
17. Come to Paris
18. It's Jazz, Man
19. The Beatles' Road
20. Hip Hop Madness
21. Symphony Orchestra
22. Beethoven's Way
23. You've Got Rhythm
24. Modern Times
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