


is one of the most important cities in the history of art and music. Local
sites such as the Red Square ,
St.Basil’s Cathedral ,
the famous 16th century gem of Russian Architecture, and the Kremlin ,
the former residence of Russian
czars, and an architectural ensemble of unique beauty, are famous all over
the world. But Moscow is also full of museums and cultural sites, such
as the Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture ,
which is unique for its great collection of musical instruments of all
times and nations, all in working order. The museum has a concert hall
where one can enjoy music of different periods. In another part of the
city, you will also be amazed by the size of the
world’s largest Czar Bell
from the 18th century.
Many Russian composers lived in
Moscow during the years, such as Tchaikovsky ,
and Scriabin (the
house where used to live last three gears of his life is now the
state Memorial Scriabin Museum
(Vakhtangov street 11)). Some of them taught in the Moscow
Conservatory ,
and Rachmaninoff
studied here. The Ballet
and Opera
shows of The Bolshoi Theatre
are famous all over the world, so you might like to spend an evening there.
In the world famous state Tretyakov Gallery
you will find some beautiful portraits of the most important Russian composers,
such as Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov
and Mussorgsky .
And if you would like to visit some graves of famous composers,
in the Novo-Devichy (Nowodjewchij) Cemetery
you will see Prokofiev's grave ,
and those of Shostakovich
and Scriabin .