Gothic and Mediaeval Art
Gothic art was named after one of the tribes who were
responsible, in the opinion of the Italians, for the collapse of the Roman
Architecture in churches changed,
and favored churches with enormous windows, and a lot of light that, coupled
with colourful windows, created mystery and an atmosphere of holiness.
Between the columns, there are almost no walls. The upper arches are cut
off into several segments, instead of one round arch. In the 14th century,
people start designing ornamented churches (the "Decorated style")
in England .
Painting continues to serve mainly
devotional purposes of emphasising sacred stories. In the 14th century,
Italian artist Giotto di Bondone
paints, for the first time, a picture with depth, and the three-dimensional
concept is slowly introduced into the art of painting.
Sculpting focuses on holy figures,
festive and beautiful, yet detached from the real world. So
is the religious music in this period, that has no defined rhythm.
Most artists in this period are subjects of the Christian
church and religion.