
What's the difference between a violin and a viola? There is
no difference. The violin just looks smaller because the violinist's head
is so much bigger.

Why are viola jokes so short?
- So violinists can understand them.

How do you tell the difference between a violinist and a dog?
The dog knows when to stop scratching.

How many second violinists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They can't get up that high!

String players' motto: "It's better to be sharp than out
of tune." þ

Why is a violinist like a SCUD missile?
- Both are offensive and inaccurate.

"Haven't I seen your face before?" a judge demanded,
looking down at the defendant.
"You have, Your Honor," the man answered hopefully.
"I gave your son violin lessons last winter."
"Ah, yes," recalled the judge. "Twenty years!"

How is lightning like a violist's fingers?

How do you keep your violin from getting stolen?

What's the difference between a violin and a viola?
- The viola burns longer.
- You can tune the violin.

What's the difference between a viola and a coffin?

What's the difference between a viola and a trampoline?

What's the difference between a viola and an onion?

What's the definition of a minor second?

Why do so many people take an instant dislike to the viola?

How can you tell when a violist is playing out of tune?

How was the canon invented?

Why is a viola solo like a bomb?

Why don't violists play hide and seek?

How do you get a violin to sound like a viola?
- Sit in the back and don't play.
- Play in the low register with a lot of wrong notes.

What do a viola and a lawsuit have in common?

What is the definition of a cluster chord?

Why shouldn't you drive off a cliff in a mini with three violas
in it?

Why can't you hear a viola on a digital recording?

How do you get a dozen violists to play in tune?
- Shoot 11 of them.
- Shoot all of them.
- Who the hell wants a dozen violists?

How does a violist's brain cell die?

- How do you get a 'cellist to play fortissimo?
- Write "pp, espressivo"

- How do you make a cello sound beautiful?
Sell it and buy a violin.

- Did you hear about the bassist who was so out of tune his section

- How many string bass players does it take to change a light
- None; the piano player can do that with his left hand.

A double bass player arrived a few minutes late for the first
rehearsal of the local choral society's annual performance of Handel's
He picked up his instrument and bow, and turned his attention
to the conductor. The conductor asked, "Would you like a moment to
The bass player replied with some surprise, "Why? Isn't
it the same as last year?"

Two bass players were engaged for a run of Carmen. After
a couple of weeks, they agreed each to take an afternoon off in turn to
go and watch the matinee performance from the front of house.
Joe duly took his break; back in the pit that evening, Moe asked
how it was.
"Great," says Joe. "You know that bit where the
music goes `BOOM Boom Boom Boom'--well there are some guys up top singing
a terrific song about a Toreador at the same time."

- Why are harps like elderly parents?
- Both are unforgiving and hard to get into and out of cars.

- How long does a harp stay in tune?
- About 20 minutes, or until someone opens a door.

- What's the definition of a quarter tone?
A harpist tuning unison strings.

- Why is an 11-foot concert grand better than a studio upright?
- Because it makes a much bigger kaboom when dropped over a cliff.

- Why was the piano invented?
- So the musician would have a place to put his beer.

The audience at a piano recital were appalled when a telephone
rang just off stage.
Without missing a note the soloist glanced toward the wings
and called, "If that's my agent, tell him I'm working!"


and Piccolo
- How do you get two piccolos to play in unison?
- Shoot one.

Two musicians are walking down the street, and one says to
the other, "Who was that piccolo I saw you with last night?"
The other replies, "That was no piccolo, that was my fife."

- Why is a bassoon better than an oboe?
- The bassoon burns longer.

- What is a burning oboe good for?
- Setting a bassoon on fire.

- What is the definition of a half step?
- Two oboes playing in unison.

- What is the definition of a major second?
- Two baroque oboes playing in unison.

- How do you get an oboist to play A flat?
- Take the batteries out of his electric tuner.

- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- To get away from the bassoon recital.

- What's the difference between a SCUD missile and a bad oboist?
A bad oboist can kill you.

- How many clarinetists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Only one, but he'll go through a whole box of bulbs before
he finds just the right one.

- What's the definition of "nerd?"
- Someone who owns his own alto clarinet.

- What do you call a bass clarinetist with half a brain?

- How many alto sax players does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Five. One to change the bulb and four to contemplate how David
Sanborn would have done it.

What's the difference between a saxophone and a lawn mower?
The neighbors are upset if you borrow a lawnmower and don't
return it.


- How many trumpet players does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Five. One to handle the bulb and four to tell him how much
better they could have done it.

- What's the difference between a Trumpet player and the rear
end of a horse?
- I don't know either.

Why can't a gorilla play trumpet?

- What's the difference between a bass trombone and a chain saw?
- It's easier to improvise on a chainsaw.

- How can you make a french horn sound like a trombone?
Take your hand out of the bell and miss all of the notes!

- How do you know when a trombone player is at your door?
- The doorbell drags.

- What is a gentleman?
- Somebody who knows how to play the trombone, but doesn't.

- What do you call a trombonist with a beeper and a cellular
- An optimist.

- How many trombonists does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Just one, but he'll do it too loudly.

It is difficult to trust anyone whose instrument changes shape
as he plays it!

- How do you get your viola section to sound like the horn section?
- Have them miss every other note.

- How can you make a trombone sound like a french horn?
- Stick your hand in the bell and play a lot of wrong notes.
- þ

- What is the difference between a french horn section and a
'57 Chevy?
- You can tune a '57 Chevy.

- How many French horn players does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just one, but he'll spend two hours checking the bulb for alignment
and leaks.

- What's the range of a tuba?
- Twenty yards if you've got a good arm!

- How many tuba players does it take to change a light bulb?
Three! One to hold the bulb and two to drink 'till the room


Percussion Players
- Why are orchestra intermissions limited to 20 minutes?
- So you don't have to retrain the drummers.

- What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians?
- A drummer.

- Did you hear about the time the bass player locked his keys
in the car?
- It took two hours to get the drummer out.

- How do you know when a drummer is knocking at your door?
- The knock always slows down.

- How do you get a drummer to play an accelerando?
- Ask him to play in 4/4 at a steady 120 bpm.

- Why do bands have bass players?
- To translate for the drummer.

- How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Only one, but he'll break ten bulbs before figuring out that
they can't just be pushed in.

Heard backstage: "Will the musicians and the drummer please
come to the stage!"

What do drummers use for birth control?

What is the difference between a drummer and a terrorist?

- A conductor and a violist are standing in the middle of the
road. which one do you run over first, and why?
- The conductor. Business before pleasure.

- Why are conductor's hearts so coveted for transplants?
- They've had so little use.

- What's the difference between a conductor and a sack of fertilizer?
- The sack.

- What do you have when a group of conductors are up to their
necks in wet concrete?
- Not enough concrete.

- What is the ideal weight for a conductor?
- About 2 1/2 lbs. including the urn.

- Did you hear about the planeload of conductors en route to
the European Festival?
- The good news: it crashed.
The bad news: there were three empty seats on board.

- What's the difference between a pig and a symphony orchestra
- There are some things a pig just isn't willing to do.

What's the difference between God and a conductor?
- God knows He's not a conductor.

What's the difference between alto clef and Greek?
Some conductors actually read Greek.

A musician calls the symphony office to talk to the conductor.
"I'm sorry,he's dead," comes the reply.
The musician calls back 25 times, always getting the same reply
from the receptionist. At last she asks him why he keeps calling. "I
just like to hear you say it."

A musician arrived at the pearly gates.
"What did you do when you were alive?" asked St. Peter.
"I was the principal trombone player of the London Symphony
"Excellent! We have a vacancy in our celestial symphony
orchestra for a trombonist. Why don't you turn up at the next rehearsal."
So, when the time for the next rehearsal arrived our friend
turned up with his heavenly trombone [sic]. As he took his seat
God moved, in a mysterious way, to the podium and tapped his batton to
bring the players to attention. Our friend turned to the angelic second
trombonist (!) and whispered, "So, what's God like as a conductor?"
"Oh, he's O.K. most of the time, but occasionally he thinks
he's von Karajan."

- There were two people walking down the street. One was a musician.
The other didn't have any money either.

- Why do musicians have to be awake by six o'clock?
- Because most shops close by six thirty.

Saint Peter is checking ID's at the Pearly Gates, and first
comes a Texan. "Tell me, what have you done in life?" says St.
The Texan says, "Well, I struck oil, so I became rich,
but I didn't sit on my laurels--I divided all my money among my entire
family in my will, so our descendants are all set for about three generations."
St. Peter says, "That's quite something. Come on in. Next!"
The second guy in line has been listening, so he says, "I
struck it big in the stock market, but I didn't selfishly just provide
for my own like that Texan guy. I donated five million to Save the Children."
"Wonderful!" says Saint Peter. "Come in. Who's
The third guy has been listening, and says timidly with a downcast
look, "Well, I only made five thousand dollars in my entire lifetime."
"Heavens!" says St. Peter. "What instrument did
you play?"

- If you threw a violist and a soprano off a cliff, which one
would hit the ground first? (two answers)
- The violist. The soprano would have to stop halfway down to
ask directions.
- Who cares?

- What's the difference between a soprano and a terrorist?
- You can negotiate with a terrorist.

- What's the difference between a soprano and a pirhana?
- The lipstick.

- What's the difference between a soprano and a pit bull?
- The jewelry.

- How many sopranos does it take to change a lightbulb?
- One. She holds the bulb and the world revolves around her.

- How many sopranos does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Four. One to change the bulb and three to pull the chair out
from under her.

- How is a soubrette different from a sewer rat?
- Some people actually like sewer rats.

- What's the first thing a soprano does in the morning?
- Puts on her clothes and goes home.

- What's the next thing a soprano does in the morning?
Looks for her instrument.

- What's the difference between an alto and a tenor?
- Tenors don't have hair on their backs.

- How many altos does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
- None. They can't get that high.
- Two; one to screw it in and the other to say, "Isn't that
a little high for you?"

- How many tenors does it take to change a light bulb?
- Four. One to change the bulb and three to bitch that they could
have done it if they had the high notes.

- How do you tell if a tenor is dead?
- The wine bottle is still full and the comics haven't been touched.

- What's the definition of a male quartet?
Three men and a tenor.

- How do you tell if a bass is actually dead?
- Hold out a check (but don't be fooled: a slight, residual spasmodic
clutching action may occur even hours after death has occurred).

How many basses does it take to change a lightbulb?

Other Instruments

- How many guitar players does it take to change a light bulb?
- Twelve. One to change the bulb and eleven to say they could
do it better.

- Did you hear about the electric bass player who was so bad
that even the lead singer noticed?

- What do a vacuum cleaner and an electric guitar have in common.
- Both suck when you plug them in.

- How many lead guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?
None--they just steal somebody else's light.

- If you drop an accordion, a set of bagpipes and a viola off
a 20-story building, which one lands first?
- Who cares?
- þ

- What's the difference between an Uzi and an accordion?
- The Uzi stops after 20 rounds.

- What do you call ten accordions at the bottom of the ocean?
- A good start.

Minimum safe distances between street musicians and the public:
- Violinist: 25 feet
- Bad Violinist: 50 feet
- Tone Deaf Guitar Player who knows 3 chords: 75 feet
- 15 year-old Electric Guitar Player with Nirvana fixation: 100
- Accordionist: 60 miles

- Why do bagpipe players walk while they play?
- To get away from the noise.

- How many country & western singers does it take to change
a light bulb?
- Three. One to change the bulb and two to sing about the old

- What happens if you play blues music backwards?
- Your wife returns to you, your dog comes back to life, and
you get out of prison.

- What does it say on a blues singer's tombstone?
- "I didn't wake up this morning..."

- How many sound men does it take to change a light bulb?
- "One, two, three, one, two, three..."

Know how to make a million dollars singing jazz?
Start with two million.

How many jazz musicians does it take to change a light bulb?
- None. Jazz musicians can't afford light bulbs.

A Jazz musician was told by his doctor, "I am very sorry
to tell you that you have cancer and you have only one more year to live."
The Jazz musician replied, "And what am I going to live
on for an entire year?"

Son: Mother, I want to grow up and be a rock-n-roll musician.
Mother: Now son, you have to pick one or the other. You can't do both.

How many punk-rock musicians does it take to change a light
Two: One to screw in the bulb and the other to smash the old
one on his forehead.
More jokes on the web

string quartet: a good violinist, a bad violinist, an
ex-violinist, and someone who hates violinists, all getting together to
complain about composers.
glissando: a technique adopted by string players for
difficult runs.
crescendo: a reminder to the performer that he has been playing
too loudly.
conductor: a musician who is adept at following many people at the
same time.
vibrato: used by singers to hide the fact that they are on the wrong
bar line: a gathering of people, usually among which may be found
a musician or two.
music: a complex organizations of sounds that is set down by the
composer, incorrectly interpreted by the conductor, who is ignored by the
musicians, the result of which is ignored by the audience.

Students tests answers (The state
of Missouriþ)
"John Sebastian Bach died from 1750 to the present."
"Agnus Dei was a woman composer famous for her church music."
"Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English.
He was rather large."
"Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was
so deaf he wrote loud music. He took long walks in the forest even when
everyone was calling him. I guess he could not hear so good. Beethoven
expired in 1827 and later died from this."
"Henry Purcell is a well-known composer few people have
ever heard of."
þ"An opera is a song of bigly size."þ

"A harp is a nude piano."
"Henry Purcell is a well-known composer few people have
ever heard of.
"Aaron Copland is one of your most famous contemporary
composers. It is unusual to be contemporary. Most composers do not live
until they are dead."
"A virtuoso is a musician with real high morals."
"I know what a sextet is but I had rather not say."
"Most authorities agree that music of antiquity was written
long ago."
"My favorite composer is Opus."
More bloopers on the web

MusixCool© By Nadav